Handi Handles Speed Control, Start/Stop, & Thread Trimmer Controller Box for Juki/GMQ Grace Machine Quilter and other Frame Combos
Specify Sewing Machine Brand and Model Number for Velcro or Clip fastener that is required. You can specify other brands of sewing machines including Brother 1500, Janome 1600 and Pfaff long arm machines, but the thread trimmer control button will only work on the Juki with the external port. Has the same functions as the handles but in a smaller format. It has a speed contol knob in the center of the box. This works very good with the Grace and the Hinterburg frames and is available with a clip on the back to attach to the quilting frame. This is also a good option for those quilters who like quilting from the needle end as it can be mounted with velcro to any surface.Handi Handles has added two side buttons in addition to the speed control dial in the center of the box. You can now leave the speed dial on the desired setting and control start/stop from the left red button, and thread trimming from the red button on the right.