Singer Quantum XL6000 6.5x10.5" Emb&Sew UPDATABLE PC BD, Cont Hoop&Card, Conversion&Cable 3700 Designs&21Fonts, Video&WB, 25/5Yr Ext Wnty REDUCED $500
30 day money back guarantee on New Singer Quantums!. Use Robison Anton thread with cone base on XL6000 and without cone base on XL5000 for best results with thread exchanger.The Singer XL6000 is the same as the Singer XL5000 with these additional features:. Continuous Hoop and Card 5006 (included). Larger base thread exchanger now holds all 1100 yard cones nad provides faster and quieter switching between two color thread spools during embroidery. Instructions are now a pop up on the screen making them much easier to find & understand. Has the conversion tool for computer design transfer included. Improved built-in lettering. Ability to upgrade the XL6000 main PC Board in the future via smart card.