Here're some essential elements of basic sewing: needles, thread, and bobins.
Needles are available in four basic types: general-purpose for a wide range of fabrics, in sizes 9/65 (finest) to 18/110; ballpoint for knits and stretch fabrics (size 9/65 to 16/100); twin needle for decorative stitching; and wedge-point for leather and vinyl. Change the needle after sewing two to three garments or after hitting a pin. Damaged fabric is often caused by a bent, blunt or burred needle.
Thread for machine sewing comes in three weights: extra fine for lightweight fabrics and machine embroidery, all-purpose for general-purpose sewing, and topstitching and buttonhole twist for decorative and accent stitching. Thread should match the weight of the fabric and the size of the needle. For perfect tension, use the same size and type thread in the bobbin as you use in the needle.
Bobbins may be built-in or removable for winding. Bobbins with a built-in case are wound in the case. Removable bobbins have a removable bobbin case with a tension adjustment screw. They may be would on the top or side of the machine. Start with an empty bobbin so the thread will wind evenly. Do not wind it too full or the bobbin thread will break.